Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

5 ways to lead worship from whatever position you're in

For those of you who serve at a church, do you ever feel that what you’re doing is insignificant compared to the worship leaders who are front and center? Or have you wondered how much of an impact you’re actually making running ProPresenter...or running whatever position you’re in? The truth is, no matter where you’re at - you can lead worship and you can make a huge impact for Jesus.

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

DAY 3 from "Expand Your Expression" devotional

Several years ago, I went to a worship conference at Christ For the Nations Institute (CFNI) in Dallas, Texas. The keynote speaker opened up the conference with a message entitled “Lord of the Dance.” He spoke how the world had, in some ways, distorted the original design for dancing and prophesied that the Lord was bringing the dance back to the church. As a response to the word, he had the worship team lead us in an extended time of praise - specifically in the area of dancing!

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

3 MORE keys to stirring up hunger for the Lord

One thing I know about hungry people - they always find a way to eat. Their hunger drives them to seek and satisfy their longing. God is stirring a fresh hunger in His people again. If the early bird gets the worm, then the hungry people always get more of God. Here’s part 2 on hunger.

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

5 keys to stirring up hunger for the Lord

Hunger is essential. Not only for practical day to day living, but especially in our relationship with Christ. It’s the hungry ones that seem to excel in the things of God. Passion and hunger are pre-built inside of every person - it just needs to be unearthed and/or redirected towards the One who truly satisfies.

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

4 reasons for "falling out under the power"

“Falling out under the power”, “getting slain in the Spirit”, “going out” and the like have been phrases used to describe when people get overwhelmed by the power of God and end up on the floor. Some people have a hard time with it and others can’t get enough of it! I believe it’s one of the ways God works powerful things in our lives and the fruit is there to prove it. After all, “...our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases” (Ps. 115:3).

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

The God Who Gives Value

In our day, we’ve seen some crazy things occur in society - from major moral corruption to an overly narcissistic culture that overloads on selfies. I believe the answer to those epidemics - both large and small - is found in the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ! Specifically in the way that God gives people value and worth through Jesus.

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

3 reasons why repeating phrases in worship can be powerful

Have you ever been in a time of praise & worship and the leader keeps repeating the same phrase over and over? Maybe you were annoyed...maybe you wondered why...or maybe you were so drawn to the Lord in that moment that repeating the phrase seemed to bring you closer to Him with each repetition!

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

5 reasons why praise should be passionate

Have you ever been in a worship service where the passion in the room was epic and the Presence of God electrifying? On the other hand, have you been in a room where it looked and felt like the people were baptized in the spirit of boring? In light of who we’re singing to and the gravity of what He’s done for us, passion should be the norm in our praise.

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

Take What's Yours!

2019 is a year to go and possess your promises! It’s time to take what is rightfully yours! The challenge is that many people feel imprisoned in the land of their promise and many in the church are over-equipped and under employed. I declare that Jesus is about to walk through your limitations, stand in your midst and release His peace on you. Why? So you can go forth and take what’s rightfully yours with confidence.

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

Where's the Sword of the Lord?

In all types of churches, God is restoring the prophetic edge to worship ministry. He is not only bringing awareness through many amazing music ministries out there, but he is stirring a hunger for it. When you make space for the Holy Spirit, it will put a demand on the prophetic anointing. When worship leaders/teams step into the flow, your churches and ministries will begin to experience the Lord in a whole new way!

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

Defeating Despair

You may have heard the saying, “It’s not just about the destination, it’s about the journey”...or something along those lines. Although I agree with that, the reality is the journey can be tough! Sometimes it can feel like you’re on a detour to your destiny! And that can create opportunity for despair. God wants to teach you how to defeat despair in your life so your journey isn’t drudgery, it's an overall victory!

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

Embracing the Fire

Promotion, breakthrough, effectiveness for the Lord - things we probably all want in life! If we’re honest, we don’t want to stay in our current circumstances for the rest of our lives. We’ve got dreams! We’ve got destiny! But the path to your destiny is paved with fire! If you embrace the fire, you’ll see the promotion!

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Andrew Hopkins Andrew Hopkins

God of the Breakthrough!

Have you ever felt stuck or limited? Held behind the confinement of fear or shame? Or just suffered from a lack of momentum and feeling spiritually dry? You need an encounter with the Breaker! He’s the One who goes before you, clears out the obstacles, and makes a way for you!

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