3 simple habits to keep your fire burning

“A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.”
Leviticus 6:13

The start of a new year is a natural time for self-reflection and re-evaluating your habits. After all, your habits reveal what truly matters to you—often more than you realize. Since you’re reading this, I can assume you desire to either ignite or sustain your fire for God. Who wants to live lukewarm, going through the motions when the fire of the Holy Spirit is available to ignite every part of your life? In this article, I’ll share simple yet powerful keys to keep the flames of passion for Jesus blazing strong. Get ready to step into a fresh season of fiery devotion!

I remember a while back when I was pastoring my church’s young adult group, a young guy came up to me and asked, “How do I stay on fire for the Lord?” To which I replied, “The same way you keep a bonfire burning—you keep wood on the fire.” It’s simple, but true!

In Leviticus 6, God gives instructions on the burnt offering. He wants the fire on the altar to burn continually, and He instructs the priests on how to do that. God lit the flame, but it was the priest’s responsibility to keep it burning.

It paints a powerful picture of our lives in Christ. We give our lives to Christ, He sends the fire of His Spirit, and now it’s our responsibility to tend to the flame.

As you read on, this article may feel too simple for you…however, it’s the simple habits that we develop that make a big impact on our lives. Too often, we forget the basics not realizing that they provide the foundation for the rest of our lives.

Here are 3 simple, yet powerful, habits that will keep your fire burning for God.

1. Passionate praise

In the Old Testament, the people brought sacrifices of animals to atone for their sins and thank God. In the New Testament— since Jesus’ once for all sacrifice on the cross paid for our sins—we bring the sacrifice of praise!

“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”
Hebrews 13:15

Look at that—the word “continually” sounds a lot like “always”; the same word describing how the fire should be burning on the altar. Just like the O.T. sacrifices were brought, and literally helped fuel the fire on the altar (see Lev. 6:12), our praise is a sacrifice that fuels our relationship with God.

I love the line in the song “Praise” that says, “I’ll praise when I feel it, I’ll praise when I don’t.”

God is worthy of praise regardless of what we feel! Our praise to God isn’t based on our ever-changing feelings—it’s based on His never-changing worthiness! Praise is a response to what He’s done for us. And if God never did anything else for us the rest of our lives (which is impossible), He would still be worthy of all the praise!

What’s more, is that God’s Presence comes when we praise:

“But You are holy,
Enthroned in the praises of Israel.”
Psalm 22:3

Take a moment and give Him some passionate praise! Bring your sacrifice of praise and invite the Presence of God.

In fact, make it a habit. A daily habit. Your future self will thank you.

2. Heartfelt prayer

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Colossians 4:2 NIV

In the same way the fire is to burn on the altar continually, and we are to bring the sacrifice of praise continually—we are to devote ourselves and continue in prayer!

Set time daily to pray. Spend time with the Lord.

You’ll find the more you spend time with the Lord in prayer, the more you’ll have strength to live for Christ; the more faith will fill your heart; the more His mind will fill yours.

What do you pray for?

  • Start with praise. Thank God for who He is and what He’s done.

  • Pray that His will would be done in your life.

  • Ask for your needs. Pray for loved ones and your church.

  • Repent and ask for forgiveness for your sins.

  • Pray for guidance and protection.

  • Ask Him to speak to you.

  • End with more praise!

And don’t forget to listen as you pray. God wants to speak to you.

I like what Paul says in Ephesians 6:18—
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
(there’s that “always” word again…)

One way to pray in the Spirit is to pray in tongues! The Holy Spirit knows what to pray for more than you do, and when you pray in tongues you are being Spirit-led in your prayers!

When you don’t know what to pray, pray in the Spirit!

(I have a whole chapter on this in my new book “Clothed With Power”)

I’ve found that the best teacher on prayer is prayer. Just make it a habit and you’ll see how powerful it is. 

3. Meditation on the Word

“And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”
Luke 24:32

One of the best ways to keep the fire burning for the Lord is to stay consistent in the Scriptures.

These disciples in Luke 24 had a conversation with Jesus where He taught them the Scriptures as they walked with Him. They said the result was that their hearts were burning!

There is so much that God wants to reveal to you through the words in the Bible. It’s not just reading it, it’s taking time to meditate on it. The Scriptures are God-breathed! (see 2 Tim. 3:16) They reveal the heart of God!

  • Find a daily reading plan.

  • Pray before you read.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the Word.

  • Meditate on the places in Scripture that jump out to you.

  • What is God speaking to you?

If the disciples' hearts were burning because they got the Scripture, surely getting the Word is fuel for the fire.

Do all three together. Praise the Lord while you pray and think on the Word of God.

Make all three a daily habit.
Start with an amount of time that works for you, and let it grow from there.

The important thing is that you stay consistent. That’s what a habit is—something you do consistently. Ultimately, this is how you grow your relationship with God. Again, it may sound too simple, however, let me ask you a question: How consistent are you in praise, prayer, and the Bible?

The Bible promises that when you sow to the Spirit, you will reap everlasting life (Gal. 6:8). Make this year the year where you develop consistent godly habits. Godly habits are the key to a heart that is burning for the Lord.

SIMILAR ARTICLE HERE: 3 ways to stoke the fire of passion for God

Question: How are you going to fuel your fire for Jesus this week? Comment below!


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