Defeating Despair



God is on assignment restoring courage to pursue your destiny. If you listen to the liar, you get steal, kill and destroy as your fruit. Yet there is opportunity to lift your eyes and ears to the Savior and overcome despair. If you've ever been discouraged on the road to pursuing your destiny, this message is for you. Look to Jesus and be revived! He's releasing breakthrough and acceleration to your life!

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God is on assignment restoring courage to pursue your destiny. If you listen to the liar, you get steal, kill and destroy as your fruit. Yet there is opportunity to lift your eyes and ears to the Savior and overcome despair. If you've ever been discouraged on the road to pursuing your destiny, this message is for you. Look to Jesus and be revived! He's releasing breakthrough and acceleration to your life!


God is on assignment restoring courage to pursue your destiny. If you listen to the liar, you get steal, kill and destroy as your fruit. Yet there is opportunity to lift your eyes and ears to the Savior and overcome despair. If you've ever been discouraged on the road to pursuing your destiny, this message is for you. Look to Jesus and be revived! He's releasing breakthrough and acceleration to your life!

Understanding & Wonder
Seizing Divine Opportunities
The God Who Gives Value