Philippines Mission Trip 2023 Report
“For this I labor [unto weariness], striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me.”
Colossians 1:29 AMPC
The Philippines 2023 mission trip was powerful! The goal of reaching thousands of souls with the gospel was met and God made a huge impact in the region of Cagayan de Oro. For me, this trip pushed me to the physical limits (super hot and humid weather and tons of work to do) but I’ve found that the Lord always gives us the strength we need to get the job done! It’s an honor to pour your life out for the King of kings!
I joke around about the scripture verse above that it’s the life verse I never knew I had. Aside from even this mission trip, the truth of that scripture has played out in my life more times than I can count.
For example, after doing multiple services on a weekend, I feel like I can’t sing anymore. But, I still have another service to go and when I stand up to lead, the anointing hits, and I turn into a superhuman! It's as if it was the first service I led that weekend.
It’s the well-known bible verse coming into effect: Philippians 4:13—”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Christ is the supernatural power source living inside the believer!
Now, I for sure took some rest time after the work of the ministry, but it goes to show how much God supplies His people to do His kingdom work!
Here is a summary of what I did in the Philippines:
1. Church ministry
Before I went down to Cagayan de Oro, I stopped in Quezon City, Manila to minister at our friends’ church called Church So Blessed pastored by Pastor Hiram Pangilinan. (Check out the service here)
One of my favorite churches to minister at, the people are so welcoming and hungry for God! I got to lead worship, prophesy, preach on Fierce Peace and David’s Tabernacle, and 2 people who had lost their sense of smell received healing and could smell again!

Fast forward to the end of the trip, the following Sunday, I preached at 2 churches in the Cagayan de Oro region. I preached on being “Clothed with Power.” God showed up and many were marked with the power of God.
I believe the local church is training ground for world changers. In one of the churches, after I prayed for the people to be touched by the power of God, one lady needed healing for partial deafness. I had one of the congregation members lay hands on her and command her to be healed—and instantly she received her healing!
It’s all about making disciples and activating people in the power of God. That’s what church is for!
2. Local outreaches
During the days in Cagayan de Oro, the team from Elisha Revolution went around the region evangelizing and inviting people to the healing crusades that were at night. The team saw many decisions for Christ and healing miracles.
On one occasion, I saw a group of young guys playing basketball so I approached them and said that if I win, I get to preach to them. I played one-on-one with a young guy and he totally beat me! I still preached the gospel anyway, and they all prayed to accept the Lord Jesus!
The same day, we were invited to a Catholic school to share a message of hope. The principal of the school told our team that they had experienced many suicides with their young people. So our job was to share hope.
I shared a message of their value, of hope, and the good news of Jesus. I then asked them how many knew they were going to heaven with 100% certainty. Only about 10 raised their hands out of 300. So I invited them to accept Jesus and praise God every one of them raised their hands to receive.
We then invited those dealing with suicidal thoughts to come forward and we got to pray for them. Some began crying. God’s love was pouring over them.
The scripture says “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13). And Romans 5:5 NIV says, “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”
What a privilege to share the message of hope and God’s love!
We were also able to feed the kids living around the host church and bless them with a gospel message of salvation.
3. Healing crusades
My friends Jerame & Miranda Nelson led this trip with the main event being the healing crusades Thu-Sun nights. I had the privilege to lead some of the worship before they preached.
There were some powerful moments during worship. They didn’t know all my songs, but they loved “Freedom Reigns.” Then we did a fun reggae version of “Awesome God” and I rapped on it.

One of my favorite moments of the entire trip was when Miranda was releasing the fire of God on the last night, and I went into the bridge of my song “Send Your Spirit Now” and just began to sing, “Send Your fire!” The fire of God blew through that place with such intensity. I could see angels of fire moving throughout the people as we sang, declared, and cried out.
Then she released the healing power of God and many people came and reported their healing, including a cancerous tumor gone.
In fact, on Thursday and Friday nights, in that same altar call moment, there were reports of the fire department coming because someone saw fire on the dome where we were ministering! When they got there, however, there was no natural fire! Just supernatural!
Jerame and Miranda preached fire and many people made decisions for Christ and received healing!
The count for decisions for Christ came to over 7,000 this trip!
All in all, this was an amazing trip. Mission accomplished—the gospel preached, souls saved, the church encouraged, bodies healed, JESUS glorified!
Thank you to all who gave towards this trip and prayed!
Question: How have you seen God move in a foreign nation? Testify below!