3 ways that praise brings breakthrough (especially) in tough times
“You have built a stronghold by the songs of babies.
Strength rises up with the chorus of singing children.
This kind of praise has the power to shut Satan’s mouth.
Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you.”
Psalm 8:2 TPT
It’s obvious there’s a war over our praise - especially if you live in California. We know our war is ultimately not with flesh and blood, it’s with the enemy of our souls. He knows the power that’s within our praise to God! God has given us a powerful supernatural weapon of praise. Let’s be careful to not invert our praise into complaining and use the sword the wrong way. It’s not a time to be silent, it’s a time to raise your voice - in praise to God!
A few years ago I went to the Philippines to preach the gospel and to share a new album that I collaborated on with my church. A few weeks before we left, I was spiritually attacked during my sleep and was having a hard time waking up from it.
When this had happened in the past, I usually would use the name of Jesus and it would stop. But this time, I was trying to say “hallelujah”. Once I got my hallelujah out, the attack ceased.
I don’t say this to freak you out, but it was so interesting to me that it was the praise that broke the attack!
Your praise has supernatural power to release breakthrough.
Here’s 3 ways praise brings breakthrough (especially) in tough times:
1. Praise brings strength
Psalm 8:2 NKJV says “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger.”
Yet when Jesus quoted that verse in Matthew 21:16 He said, “‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise’”.
Jesus' interpretation of “ordained strength” came out as “perfected praise.”
Praise and strength are synonymous. Praise brings strength into your life. Spiritual strength, mental strength, emotional strength, and even physical strength.
If you’re feeling weak, praise. God wants to strengthen you.
2. Praise silences the enemy
We also see that childlike praise silences the enemy!
The Psalmist wrote - “Out of the mouths of babes…”
We all can’t go backwards in age like Benjamin Button (lol) but we can develop the faith as a child. The simplicity, the trust, and dependence on God - who He is and what He’s done for us.
Out of that place we praise - and the enemy is silenced.
His influence is snuffed out of our lives because we’ve shifted our focus on the King and vocalized our gratitude and worship.
If there’s too much fear, stress, guilt, shame, etc. driving the narrative in your life, praise. God wants to silence the voices so you can clearly hear His voice.
3. Praise activates deliverance
2 Chronicles 20 documents one of the most powerful references to praise in the Bible.
Long story short, three armies had banded together against Judah, and the strategy King Jehoshaphat used to fight the battle was praise. As they began to praise, the Lord sent ambushes against their enemies and the armies fought against and defeated themselves!
In other words, as they praised God, God fought for them!
I believe confusion was sent in the enemy’s camp and caused them to turn on each other and fight against themselves. It’s like what David said, “He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me.” (Ps. 18:17 NIV)
If the circumstances are overwhelming, praise. God fights for us when we praise!
Can you see why there’s such a war over your praise?
I’ll land with this -
Jack Taylor is quoted as saying this: “Complaining is to the devil what praise is to God.”
Complaining is the inverse of praise. it saps our strength, amplifies the enemy’s influence in our lives, and brings confusion in our identity and destiny.
We all do it at times, but when we chronically complain, the sword God gave us gets turned on us and reaps havoc. We end up defeating ourselves!
In crazy times like these, we need to keep our focus right. Praising and thanking God is one of the best ways to do it.
You can praise above the attacks. When you do, you are enforcing the victory of the Cross that disarmed the enemy (Psalm 149:6-9, Col. 2:15), you cut off his influence in your life, and you send confusion into his camp!
His lies lose their power in the midst of genuine praise. Praise will restore clarity in your identity and destiny, put strength back in you, and shut the enemy up!
No matter what you’re going through, make it a point to praise. And even if all is well, develop the practice of praise so you’re well equipped to face whatever comes your way.
God is worthy of all the praise!
Question: How has God used praise to release breakthrough in your life?
Let me know in the comments below!