3 things I learned while battling fear & anxiety

“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.”
Psalm 119:92 NIV

As you’re well aware, fear and anxiety have tried to grip the world in these last couple of months. Some have lost loved ones, some have lost jobs, and others have just dealt with adjusting to a new way of living. Regardless of where we find ourselves, we’ve all had reasons to battle fear - but fear does not have to grip your life! There is a way to live above fear, and even though you may feel it, you don’t have to give into it. 

2008 was one of the toughest years of my life. I’m sure it was for many people given the crash of the economy and the implications of that. But for me, it didn’t have to do with the economy, I was just attacked with fear on a level I never experienced before. I didn’t know why or where it came from!

I had anxiety attacks throughout the year pretty consistently. Fear would grip me, I would feel bewildered and confused, and generally just waited it out until it faded. It even happened while I was leading worship or when I was hanging out with my kids from my youth group (I used to be a youth pastor). I hated it. 

But throughout this time, I learned a few things on how to deal with fear, and I believe they will help you or someone you know dealing with it.

Here’s 3 things I learned while battling fear & anxiety:

1. It’s not forever

One of the things we have to hold onto through the battle with fear is HOPE. Hope is what allows you to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” - that something good is coming your way.

During this time, my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I would watch Joel Osteen preach at night as we hung out at her house. 

He said one thing that has stuck with me until this day: “There’s one thing about seasons you need to know. They have a beginning and they have an end - which means that what you’re going through is not forever.”

So much hope came into my life when I heard that. 

Fear can make you think that you’re gonna be stuck in your struggle forever...but it’s just not true.

Fear is a liar and there’s an end to every season. 

Hold on to hope. You won’t be where you are forever.

2. The Word works

I remember waking up one morning and I went right into a panic attack. Again, I wasn’t even sure why and where it came from.

I reached over to my nightstand, grabbed my Bible, and turned to Isaiah 26:3 - “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (NIV)

I read it until the fear subsided. It was like I told my mind where to go and the peace of God came rushing in.

David said it like this - “My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life...If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction...Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” (Psalm 119:50, 92, 165 NIV)

There’s supernatural life within the Word of God. There are nutrients for our souls.

The life within the Word dominates over fear.

I remember at times I would turn to 1 John 4 and read about the love of God that drives out fear...or when my pastor told me to read Psalm 23 and peace came. 

I fed on the life of the Word and declared it over myself. You can too.

3. You CAN move forward

One of the things fear wants to do is paralyze us. It wants to immobilize us. The problem with that is we have lives to live and destinies to fulfill!

I remember calling my pastor because the fear felt so strong and I needed help. What he told me wasn’t my favorite bit of counsel but it was needed. He said that sometimes Jesus stills the storm, and then other times He gets in the boat and rides it out with us.

Like many of you, I would’ve rather had the Jesus that stills the storm.

But I got the Jesus that decided to ride it out with me...lol.

Now, no shame if you need to rest. I certainly have those moments as well.

But I also have this tenacity that burns within me that won’t let me sit too long. We were created in Christ Jesus to do good works - and God prepared them in advance for us to do! (Eph. 2:10)

Many times, fear would work so hard to paralyze me, but I found it’s entirely possible to move forward regardless of how you feel. In fact, that may be one of the more healthy things to do - because in doing that, you’re not letting fear dictate your life. You’re running your life, not fear.

I didn’t quit my job. I didn’t stop leading worship or preaching. I didn’t stop praying and worshiping God. I couldn’t. I had to move forward.

Winston Churchill said, “If you're going through hell, keep going.”

You CAN move forward.
If the battle is raging, take it one step at a time.
Celebrate progress.

But know this - fear doesn’t define you.
You are not your feelings.
You are not your circumstances.
You are loved by God.
He’s walking with you through it...and He understands.

Question: How have you dealt with fear in your life?


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