3 tests on the way to your miracle

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Galatians 6:9

Have you ever felt the joy that comes when God is moving in your life, only to be met by wave after wave of opposition? It feels like the old adage - two steps forward and three steps back. It’s tempting to “throw in the towel” in those moments, especially when they’ve lasted for quite some time. As simple as it sounds, the answer every time is: DON’T QUIT. DON’T GIVE UP. Keep moving forward. You have more in you than what you think. Take hold of relentless faith in an unshakeable God.

I run the risk of sounding redundant because I’ve been sharing this story a bunch recently, but, at the end of 2015 I wanted to quit ministry. Long story short, since I started following Jesus in 2001, I had dreams of traveling ministry. By 2015, I was still waiting. I felt like I kept hitting a ceiling and couldn’t go any higher. The previous 14 years God used to do a lot of necessary work in my life, which I was super grateful for, yet I still felt stuck.

It just happened to be that Netflix had all of the original “Rocky” movies on around that time. I watched all of them. And cried every time. Then “Creed” literally came out right after that. It was crazy how “coincidental” it all was. As you may know, the theme for all of those movies rings throughout - “Don’t give up!”

So what did I do? I just kept moving forward and stayed faithful right where I was planted. 

God broke through and proved Himself faithful. One month after I wanted to quit, the process was started for me to transition into traveling ministry, and within 1 year it came fully to pass. 

That’s 15 years of waiting and preparation, but I’m so glad I kept moving forward with what God had in front of me. I never lost sight of the vision He gave me.

What am I saying?

There’s tests on the way to your breakthrough. But if you don’t give up, you’ll see God move in powerful ways. 

This is what happened with a guy named Jairus in scripture. (Luke 8:40-56)

We’ll see in his life at least 3 tests on the way to your miracle:

1. Pressure is applied

Jairus came to Jesus because his 12 year old daughter was dying and Jesus could heal her.

He gets the attention of Jesus and He begins going to his house to heal his daughter. But check this out:

“...But as He went, the multitudes thronged Him.”
Luke 8:42

The word for “thronged” means to choke or suffocate. You may have never thought about it like this, but Jesus almost suffocated because of the crowds!

Bottom line for Jairus: If Jesus suffocates, you ain’t getting your miracle.

If you read just a little before in this same chapter, Jesus tells the Parable of the Sower. In it He says this: “Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity.” (Luke 8:14)

The word for “choked” is the same word used for “thronged” from earlier.

What is it that chokes out the word, or the moving of Jesus in our lives?
Cares, riches and pleasures of life.

On the way to your miracle, the pressures of cares, riches, and pleasures are working to choke out the move of God.

They’re tempting.

During the time I wanted to quit ministry, I actually wanted to go to culinary school to become a chef. Yes, they say “don’t trust a skinny cook” but I promise I’m good!

It’s tempting to drop the call of God, especially when you feel pressure. 

But Jairus kept moving forward, and so should you.

2. Someone else gets what you want

As Jesus and Jairus kept moving forward, on the way to the miracle, a woman with an issue of blood came up behind Jesus and touched the hem of His garment. Power came out of Jesus and she was completely healed!

Praise God that she received her miracle, but Jairus was still waiting for his daughter to be healed! And for him, time was of the essence. She was dying!

What do you do when someone else gets the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for?

What an opportunity for offense!

What’s more is - while Jesus was blessing the woman, someone came from Jairus’ house and said that his daughter had died. Like, it was too late.

“If it wasn’t for this lady, my daughter could’ve gotten saved from death!”, he could’ve thought.

How do we respond when someone else gets the miracle we’ve been waiting for? We could get offended, jealous, and hurt. Or we could thank God and keep moving forward.

There’s plenty of miracle working power to go around. God isn’t running out, He’s running over!

We don’t know exactly how Jairus reacted. But we do know that he kept moving forward, and so should you.

3. You hit a wall

“While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house, saying to him, “Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Teacher.””
Luke 8:49

Did you see that? They told Jairus to give up!

They hit a wall.
They found out how big God was in their own eyes.

To them, Jesus was big enough to heal a dying girl. But once she died, Jesus could no longer help.

In their eyes, death was too big an enemy and Jesus wasn’t big enough.

What’s your line? What’s your limit?
Where does your faith hit a wall?

I love how Jesus responds:
“But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, “Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well.””
Luke 8:50

When fear was trying to creep it’s way in, Jesus’ words released faith to Jairus. 

He had the opportunity to hit the same wall as his friend did, but you know what Jairus did? In faith, he kept moving forward, and so should you.

You can read the rest of the story in Luke 8. 

SPOILER ALERT: Jesus raises his daughter from the dead.

Jairus received the miracle he came to Jesus for...but it wasn’t without tests.

There’s breakthrough in your future.
There’s a miracle in your future.
There’s promise fulfilled in your future.

If you happen to face some tests on the way, just keep moving forward with your eyes on Jesus. It worked for Jairus and it’ll work for you.


Question: What are some tests you’ve overcome on your way to breakthrough?

P.S. Click HERE to watch the live version of this message that I preached at the Fire & Glory Outpouring last Saturday! The Spirit of Breakthrough was in the room!


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