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3 reasons why zeal is essential

“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”
Romans 12:11 NIV

Did you know passivity was the original sin of Adam? The account in Genesis said that as Eve took of the forbidden fruit she gave it to her husband who was standing NEARBY! That means he saw the whole thing go down and did nothing. Wow. Zeal, on the other hand, pushes forward into God and accomplishes things in the kingdom. It’s time to shake off the shackles of passivity and dance our way into zeal for the Lord and for our lives!

I remember when God began to teach me about what it meant to rest in the finished work of the cross. It was honestly one of the most eye-opening-life-changing times in my life. It was like I had a million dollars in cash hiding under my bed...and I finally found it. 

The book of Hebrews says that Jesus, as our High Priest, accomplished all that was needed to obtain our forgiveness and freedom, and then sat down at the right hand of God. Ephesians 2:6 says that God raised us up and seated us with Him - in a place of resting what Christ accomplished for us.

There’s much more to this - but suffice to say, being seated is a place of rest, and resting in what Christ did for us. (“Sit, Walk, Stand” by Watchman Nee is a great short read on this). Watchman Nee says regarding this, “The Christian life does not begin with a big DO, but with a big DONE.”

Naturally, this message began coming out in all of my teachings as a pastor. The gospel is amazing! 

But some of the young adults began to misinterpret what I was saying and applied it in somewhat of a lazy way. “We just need to rest” they would say. 

I’m thinking, yes, rest in the fact that we are already loved, forgiven, and accepted. The rest is internal. The rest settles the internal shakiness that goes on in our hearts when we don’t believe we’re loved, forgiven and accepted. The rest changes the place from which we work - but it doesn’t mean we don’t work hard!

In other words, don’t exhaust yourself trying to be loved when God loves you already for free. Don’t work hard to try and earn forgiveness - it’s a free gift offered in Christ. Don’t perform so that you’ll be accepted - you already are accepted! 

Don’t waste your energy on something you already have. Be launched from what Christ has done for you and work with all your heart!

All that being said - trust in Jesus, let go of passivity and live zealous for the Lord!

Here’s 3 reasons why zeal is essential:

1. It’s what the cross produces

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”
1 Corinthians 15:10 NIV

Grace didn’t make Paul lazy or passive. It made him work hard!

Knowing what Christ accomplished for us shouldn’t make us passive, it should make us the most passionate! Meaning, our hearts fully engaged in pursuing Christ and His plan for our lives.

2. The zeal of the Lord accomplishes

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given...The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”
Isaiah 9:6-7 NIV

The Christmas prophecy was accomplished because of God’s zeal.

You’ll also accomplish God’s will for your life because you have zeal. Passivity never gets the job done.

Jesus definitely did not stand idly by when His bride fell in sin. Unlike Adam, He gave His life for her and died her death so that she could go free.

That takes zeal.

3. Enthusiasm = God within!

Enthusiasm comes from “en” which means in or within, and “theos” which is Greek for God.

We may have the understanding that to be enthused means to have a lively interest or devotion, which is right, but the roots of the word define it as “having God within”.

You could even go as far to say it means “possession by God.”

To be enthused demonstrates that God is within you! Passion is a core value, especially as we worship the King of kings.

No wonder scripture says that “the zeal of the Lord will accomplish these things.” (Is. 9:7) God is a passionate God!

Healthy zeal is rooted in knowing you are loved, forgiven and accepted in Christ. It also works right along with your unique personality. You get to be you in the kingdom. 

Be you, do away with passivity, and as Isaiah 59:17 says that the Lord, “...wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak” - let’s do the same!

What are the enemies to zeal in your life? How have you overcome them?